Learner Stories

Noé Rigobert ZANGRE works as a health and humanitarian logistician and received his training from the BIOFORCE Institute. He is currently employed as an expert in Health Products Logistics within the Directorate of Supply Chain Management (DSCM). He manages the logistics data of Burkina Faso and is the focal point of NetSIGL, which is an electronic platform for managing logistics data.

He discovered his interest in supply chain during his first position at the PAMA health district in 1997. As appetite comes with eating, his passion for the supply chain was consolidated through his work experience. 

He states that the challenges of the healthcare supply chain in his country include unavailability of good quality logistical data, scarcity of storage spaces for health products and lack of required manpower, especially at the peripheral level. 

He advises young students to get the training in health supply chain from specialized institutions like Bee Skilled, in order to be among the best to contribute to the safety of health products in the world. The change that he wishes to bring in his workplace would be to organize training seminars on specific supply chain topics for the benefit of employees. 

“We live in a world where knowledge evolves at an exponential rate. It is therefore imperative to update one’s knowledge to be competitive in their workplace”, says Noé Rigobert ZANGRE 

He shares that the knowledge gained from courses on Hive allows learners to increase their value in the workplace through the expertise, they bring to their jobs.