
Learner Stories

Lamin Njie, a pharmacy technician, works at North Bank Region in Western Gambia, as a Regional Store Keeper.

He manages the supply chain to facilitate and ensure that the appropriate health products are provided to the patients at the right time. His interest in the supply chain was first developed when he worked as a pharmacy assistant in one of the most isolated and remote villages in Gambia.

Lamin wishes to transform the healthcare supply chain by ensuring that products reach the patient at the right time and that high-quality data is available at all relevant levels.

A key change that he is looking forward is the introduction of eLMIS in his country. He states that the introduction of electronic Logistics Management Information System (eLMIS) to manage all supply chain processes and activities is a revolutionary milestone and a cost-effective system of health data management that ensures greater visibility of data and better health outcomes for the people.

Speaking about the learning journey with Bee skilled so far, he said that the training has provided him with valuable knowledge that will surely improve his supply chain skills.